Project Solicitation open April 6 – May 8, 2015

As part of the Northern Sacramento Valley (NSV) Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Plan development process, the NSV IRWM Board invited Project Proponents to submit new projects or modify previously submitted projects for review and possible inclusion in the NSV IRWM Plan. The project submission period took place from April 6 – May 8, 2015.  33 new/updated projects were submitted.

At their June 1, 2015 meeting, the NSV Board voted to include all 33 new/updated projects in the NSV IRWMP. You can find a list of these projects on the Library page of this website

For more information on the NSV IRWM process, visit the Projects page of this website, or contact your local county representative on the Technical Advisory Committee (see listing below):

Vickie Newlin, Butte County;
Lisa Hunter, Glenn County;
Ryan Teubert, Tehama County;
Mary Fahey, Colusa County;
Sean Hummer, Sutter County;
Eric Wedemeyer, Shasta County;

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